March 13, 2024

Cody Assistant for Android Studio

In the realm of software development, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent, revolutionizing traditional workflows and enhancing productivity. One such application is the emergence of AI-powered assistants within Integrated Development Environments like Android Studio(from IntelliJ). 

These assistants, leveraging machine learning algorithms, aim to streamline coding processes, offering suggestions, automating repetitive tasks, and ultimately augmenting the developer experience.

In this blog post, we delve into the realm of AI assistants in Android Studio, focusing on Cody.

What's Cody

Cody, is a code assistant (by Sourcegraph) that can be integrated with Android Studio and other IDE's, whichwich has garnered attention for its intelligent code completion and contextual suggestions.

While Cody may not boast the extensive array of suggestions found in other assistants like GitHub Copilot, it still stands out as a valuable tool for developers, particularly considering its accessibility and usability. Despite the limitations imposed by its free-tier model, including monthly autocomplete limits and team restrictions, Cody remains more than adequate for assisting developers in their day-to-day tasks.

Moreover, Cody's free-tier model makes it accessible to developers of all levels, including hobbyists, students, and professionals working on personal projects. While the autocomplete limits and team restrictions may pose some constraints, they are balanced by the fact that Cody's basic functionality remains available at no cost. This democratization of access to AI-powered assistance fosters a more inclusive and supportive environment for developers, regardless of their financial resources or organizational affiliations.

Furthermore, while Cody's suggestion pool may not be as vast as some other assistants, its continuous learning capabilities mean that its suggestions are likely to improve over time. As more developers engage with Cody and provide feedback, its suggestions will become increasingly refined and relevant, further enhancing its utility as an aid in the development process.

Other useful features include:

Code Smell: Cody is equipped to identify a range of potential issues within your codebase, including memory leaks, coding practices that could lead to inefficiencies, unnecessary imports, unused resources, and variables. Moreover, Cody can even suggest possible breakpoints to aid in debugging. What sets Cody apart is not just its ability to flag these issues, but its capacity to provide detailed explanations about why they should be addressed and how to go about fixing them.

Addressing these code smells is crucial for maintaining the overall quality, readability, and maintainability of your codebase. By proactively identifying and rectifying these issues, developers can mitigate the risk of introducing bugs, streamline the codebase for easier comprehension and modification, and ultimately enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the software development process.

Explain Code: This feature is particularly beneficial for developers who are working with unfamiliar codebases, exploring new libraries or frameworks, or encountering intricate algorithms. By providing clear explanations, Cody helps developers grasp the logic behind the code more quickly, enabling them to make informed decisions, debug effectively, and collaborate efficiently with team members.

The "Explain Code" feature enhances the developer experience by promoting code comprehension and knowledge sharing, ultimately contributing to improved productivity and code quality within the Android development ecosystem.

Here is an example of code explanation of a flutter widget:

Generate Test: The "Generate Test" tool within Cody represents a significant advancement in the realm of automated testing within Android Studio. While it is acknowledged that this feature may require further refinement, particularly concerning UI tests, its potential for generating integration tests cannot be overstated.

By automating the generation of integration and unit tests, Cody streamlines the testing process, saving developers valuable time and effort. This is especially beneficial in scenarios where developers are dealing with complex codebases or frequent updates, as it helps maintain test coverage and reduces the risk of regressions.

Although the current implementation may not be optimal for UI tests, it is important to recognize the progress made and the potential for future enhancements. As AI technologies continue to evolve and improve, there is optimism that Cody's UI testing capabilities will become more accurate and reliable over time.

While there may be room for improvement, the "Generate Test" feature in Cody represents a significant step forward in automating testing processes within Android Studio. Its ability to generate integration tests has the potential to greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of software development workflows, with the promise of further advancements in UI testing on the horizon.

Git Integration

Integrating Cody with your project code base offers a multifaceted approach to enhancing the code completion process, thereby significantly improving the overall development experience. By leveraging insights from the project code base, Cody can provide tailored suggestions, identify and address code smells, and facilitate the creation of comprehensive tests.

Firstly, by analyzing the existing code base, Cody gains a deeper understanding of the project's architecture, patterns, and conventions. This contextual awareness enables Cody to offer more relevant and accurate code suggestions, reducing the time spent searching for the right methods or classes and minimizing errors in the code.

Additionally, Cody's integration with the project code base allows it to identify and flag potential code smells or anti-patterns. These indicators of suboptimal code quality can range from duplicated code to overly complex structures. By highlighting these issues as developers write code, Cody empowers them to proactively refactor and improve the code base's maintainability and readability.

Furthermore, Cody's integration extends to the realm of automated testing. By analyzing the project code, Cody can intelligently generate test cases, covering critical pathways and edge cases within the application. This automated test generation not only accelerates the testing process but also enhances test coverage, ensuring robustness and reliability in the software.

In essence, integrating Cody with your project code base represents a proactive approach to code completion, encompassing not only syntax suggestions but also advanced functionalities such as code smell detection and test generation. By harnessing the insights derived from the project's code base, Cody empowers developers to write cleaner, more efficient code and build resilient software applications with confidence.


In conclusion, Cody emerges as a promising addition to the arsenal of tools available to developers within Android Studio. With features like "Explain Code" and "Generate Test," Cody demonstrates its potential to significantly improve the development workflow, enhance code comprehension, and streamline the testing process.

While it is acknowledged that there is room for improvement, particularly in the realm of UI testing, the overall utility and potential impact of Cody cannot be understated. Its integration of AI technologies into the development environment opens up new possibilities for increased productivity, code quality, and collaboration among developers.

Furthermore, as Cody continues to evolve and receive updates, there is optimism for its future enhancements and refinements. With each iteration, it has the opportunity to address existing limitations and further solidify its position as a valuable assistant for Android developers.

Therefore, developers should seriously consider incorporating Cody into their workflow, leveraging its capabilities to expedite tasks, gain deeper insights into their codebase, and ultimately deliver higher-quality software in a more efficient manner. By embracing AI-powered tools like Cody, developers can stay ahead in an ever-evolving landscape, unlocking new levels of creativity, productivity, and success in their Android development endeavors.


PD: this post was improved with GPT